In the blessing month of Ramadhan, GPM launch RAMADHAN PROGRAM – Food for the Needy. GPM has been distributing food rations in the month of Ramadhan since past ten years, all over the globe. Help is provided to poor and needy families, so they can have proper meals at least during the month of Ramadhan. We survey different places to find about such families who are in genuine need of help.
GPM invites everyone to join with our Ramadhan Program!
Lets use this Hashtag #FoodForTheNeedy2014
Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve’ (Al Baqarah: 274).
In-Sha-Allah, distribution will start on the month of Ramadhan, by covering families in immense need.
Imagine the happiness of the needy for receiving such help during the blessed month of Ramadhan.
Lets feed the needy In-Sha-Allah! Share your happiness in celebrating this upcoming Month of Mercy by contributing foods for iftar to those needy around the world!
You may deposit your generous contributions to Global Peace Mission Malaysia bank account given below: Global Peace Mission Malaysia Maybank : 5642-2161-1602 Bank Islam: 14-023-01-002922-4.