Morsi: The Silent Is An Infringement On The Spirit Of Democracy

July 9, 2019

Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) express deep condolences to all Egyptians, leaders and members of FJP Party and family of Dr. Mohammed Morsi. According to reports from leading international media, Dr. Mohammad Morsi passed away in court after having collapsed during a trial process.

Although he governed Egypt for a short period of time following the peoples’ revolution to overthrow Hosni Mubarak in 2011, Dr. Morsi was a significant leader in giving his best commitment towards reform, truth and justice in Egypt.

On 24 of March 2014, ABIM had issued a strong statement condemning the death punishment meted out by the Egyptian court to 529 of Morsi’s supporters who was elected legitimately and democratically. At the same time, ABIM urge for a comprehensive investigation on the cause of his death, given the fact that he was treated badly and denied basic medical treatment during the time he served in prison.

After more than six years of being persecuted, the tragedy on Dr. Morsi is but a glimpse on the massive persecution by the al-Sisi tyrannical regime. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, exiled, and imprisoned. The silence of the international community over this matter is an infringement on the spirit of democracy.

Hence ABIM urge all Malaysian citizens to consistently criticise the atrocities committed by the Egyptian government. Furthermore, ABIM welcome all Muslims to conduct the janazah prayer in absentia and pray for Allah to grant His mercy and Jannah to him. Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun – Indeed we belong to Allah and indeed to Him we will return.

Mohamad Raimi Ab Rahim, President, Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM).

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